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VOX – Let’s talk cash!

Par 27 mai 2016novembre 6th, 2016Pas de commentaire

Parlons_cash_6stubborn VOX 2016

When: Friday 27 may at 18:00
Where: Plaza of the Conservatory
Duration: 45 min
Be well co. presents a site for his show let’s talk Cash out! with Christophe Vignal, comedian-puppeteer and Director

Straddling Maurice’s shoulders, massive working-class facetious, Triple A came down from his tax haven for we reach out. Guided to the ground by Nicolas Froissard, a misanthropic technocrat, he walked our streets and offbeat and benevolent eye on our daily lives. Mixing burlesque sketches, improvisations staggered, original illusions; Let’s talk about Cash! talks about money and denounce, rather than proceed to the absurd values and the clichés of the Cardinals of the finance.

“No excerpts from books in this show. Triggers, inspirational… “Economic horror” Viviane Forrester (Fayard – 1996), “No. Logo” by Naomi Klein (acts South 2002), “The anarchist banker” Fernando Pessoa (Christian Bourgois – 2007). And a few years of news-addiction inherited from my training as a journalist…“© Christophe Vignal